Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Stereotypical? Or Smart?

As mentioned in a previous post, the main age category who views horror movies consists of 18-30 year-olds. This category makes up 60% of the overall viewers, according to BoxOfficePro. This will be beneficial when we think about who will be the "main" character of the sequence- a.k.a. the character who gets murdered.

In 2017, the most popular horror movies had lead roles of younger people. "It" had main characters consisting of teenagers, "Get Out" focused on a couple who seemed to be in their late 20's, and "Mother" had a main character in her late 20's also. The significance of this is that the most popular movies have characters who are either close to, or within the "typical" age category. This seems to draw more people in to watch them, and seems more appealing. Horror movies play off of fears, and if the main character is someone the majority of people feel like they can relate to, then they may be more likely to be interested in seeing it.

This will be useful for us when we cast. Not only does it give us direction of who we should cast, but it may come in handy later when we get into the marketing portion of the film. Think about it, how many people are going to want to go see a horror movie where the main character is 86 years old? The age of the character seemingly makes a difference as to what may be popular.

However, we already have the stereotypical killer, who makes his/her appearance in the title sequence. This is the most important character, and has to have the unbothered persona that every killer in every movie seems to have. This character should not be hard to cast, but still needs to be thought out. There is always the option of a non-human killer, but with a low budget that may be hard to create. The option for that, since we lack tools like CGI, would be going to Walmart and buying a scary animal mask, but it would lack authenticity and may just look cheap and cheesy. Therefore, we need to go for the stoic, average citizen.

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