Friday, March 2, 2018

SETting Up

Hanging up the towel.
We had a lot to do before we even started filming today. To begin, we had to make sure everything was where it should be— meaning, we had to make sure all of the stuff in the bathroom was arranged to how we wanted it. We also had to put a towel over Nat’s bathroom window, because we ended up filming around 11:00 a.m. The reason for this was that we wanted to make sure that we had the bathroom as dark as possible, along with the hallway. We made sure to close all of the bedroom doors in the hallway, so the light did not flood in.

Mixing everything together for
 the blood mixture.
Making our blood was a whole other adventure. We could not find any at stores like Walmart, and we did not have the time to order any online. So, we made our own. We started off with trying to dilute paint with water, but it was too runny. So we then tried adding honey AND glue AND flower to that same mix in order to thicken it, but it didn’t work. What we ended up doing was getting some honey in a little dish, and mixing red and black paint into it for the color. This worked really well for us, especially considering that we made it in probably under 20 minutes. We had to make about three different batches, however, because we kept running out. In all honesty, making the blood was probably the most challenging part of everything today.

Costuming for today was overall interesting. I forgot to bring my robe, so we found one at Nat’s house so that I looked like I was at home getting ready for bed. Finding stuff for Anne Marie was a whole other story, because we wanted her to look unidentifiable and kind of scary. We had to dig around trying to find a black sweatshirt, and then Nat remembered that she had ski masks from her ski trip, so we had to run around trying to find those. So, we were able to fulfill our scary killer costume, that was almost stereotypical. Nat literally just wore the clothes that she wore to school, although it could be seen as ironic that murder=blood, which is red, and her shirt was red ;)

The bathroom before shooting. 
The hardest part I think with continuity of our props was the door, and how open it was. We had it cracked open, but we had to keep going in and out. So, we had to kind of estimate again and again how far open it should be. But it was not that huge of a problem. Thinking now, we probably should have knocked over or displaced some of the items on the counter post-me getting murdered and falling to the ground. We will probably just try to see how it looks, and if worst comes to worst we can just try to reshoot and redo it.

The bathroom before and after blocking the light with the towel.

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