Monday, March 12, 2018

Sound Creation

I mentioned sound in my last post, and how we are still working on it and we are still trying to figure out how to even make the sounds. We were shown this video in class, and honestly it has become one of my favorite videos ever. And, when I went on YouTube and searched "how to make movie sounds", this was still one of the first videos that popped up, probably due to how informational it is.

This shows the ultimate science behind making sounds, and the creativity surrounding the making of them. This provides some good ideas on how to make sounds that are close to what we need. Also, it helps to help us embrace our own creativity to make our sounds realistic and good quality. Sounds will be the main focus over spring break, because we will have the time to record them and everything. Right now, we have hardly any sound in our project, as we have been focusing on things like transitions and color correction. We have gotten most of our credits down, and chose to go the route of using a filter to change our coloring.

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