Thursday, March 8, 2018

Relentless Curveballs

Well, we were using a MacBook Pro for our project from one of our school computer carts, but that sparked some issues. We were not aware at the time that some of the classes we share the cart with have so many kids in the classes that they need every computer in the cart, so we had to save our project elsewhere and return the computer. So, Nat brought her computer in and we tried making that work. She has an older version MacBook, and an older version iMovie also. After transferring the clips, we found that it would be more efficient to use one of the "crappy" computers that our teacher has in his room. The good things about that is that we have a computer that will for sure be available every day in class, and unlike Nat's it has the better version of iMovie, which will allow us to put in more of the effects that we want.

Another curveball that I was thinking about earlier was that next week we have spring break. Which means we will have to see about taking the computer to one of our houses that way we can work on it over the week-long break. We still have quite a bit to do at this point, so we cannot afford to just take a week off. Most of our transitions are finished, and I believe we have one more clip to reshoot. Color correction is done, and we have to really crack down on getting our sounds done. Anyways, it is going to be pretty hard probably to coordinate all of us being available over break to work on it together-- I know for sure that I will be working full-time over break, with most likely only one day off, which I will not be doing anything on besides sleeping because it is supposed to be a "break" after all. Either way, I am pretty positive that we will figure something out.
Current representation of us right now. 

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