Monday, March 5, 2018

Who ACTUALLY Likes Technology?

Okay, the title is pretty rhetorical because almost everyone likes technology to a certain extent. But, when technology hates you and gives you problems, then it sucks.

The more "blown out" take of the clip
versus the focused one. 
We ended up videoing the clips on my iPhone 7. This worked out pretty good, the quality is not absolutely amazing, but it is still decent. I think the most difficult part was making sure that the camera stayed steady. I have learned over the course of having this phone that it is easily susceptible to shaking-- you have to keep your hands pretty steady. But, we were able to do that for the most part. There were only a few clips that we ended up having to reshoot because the filming was unsteady. Another problem I kind of had when I was videoing a couple of clips was having the camera focus on what I needed it to so that the light didn't wash everything out. I had to figure out where to focus the camera to achieve optimum lighting, which took a few shots.

This was completely our fault, but when we were shooting the other day, we were about 1/4 of the way through shooting when we realized we were not shooting in landscape. It would have been really helpful if we would have had a reminder or something so we remembered. Maybe we are all just a little stereotypical blonde on the inside, though.

Today, we spent an entire class period trying to import the videos from my iPhone 7 to the computer. Or should I say, computerS. We started out trying to import them to a MacBook Pro and save them to the desktop, but it was an older version of the computer so it did not work. So, we tried to just import the clips into iMovie. This kind of worked, except for the fact that they all imported as BLACK CLIPS. Which obviously is not helpful. Therefore, our next step was to try a MacBook Air. Again, it didn't work with just importing the photos. Needless to say, we ended up Airdropping the clips from my phone to the computer, then saving them to Anne Marie's Google Drive. We then saved them to a flash drive, and we plan to back everything up on the flash drive regularly in order to make sure everything stays saved and we do not lose anything.

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Rub-A-Dub Final Video