Thursday, March 29, 2018

Sound Effect Summary

We have had to get creative with our sounds. We used YouTube to find sound effects that we liked, then experimented with ways to remake them ourselves. Some of these were easy, but some weren't so much.
  1. Running Water: my sink turned on
  2. Transition Sound: ripping a sheet of paper
    1. Based off of the Dawn of the Dead title transitions. 
  3. Flatline Sound: Anne Marie's car put into reverse
  4. Door creak: an actual creaky door
  5. Scream: courtesy of NAT
The flatline sound was probably the most random sound effect we had to come up with. I was literally laying in bed last night at about 9:30 and had a lightbulb moment, which I immediately sent into our group chat. My boyfriend has a golf cart, and it makes a drawn out, high pitched noise when you shift it into reverse. It is almost identical to how an actual medical flatline sounds, and it's super easy to get. So that was the first idea. But, his golf cart is broken, so I couldn't get it. Then, Anne Marie remembered that her car makes a similar sound when it is put into reverse. So, the sound is now derived from that. It is kind of faint, so I had to turn it up to like, 300% but it works!

The water running was probably the easiest sound effect to record. I literally walked into my bathroom, turned my sink on, and hit record. The only reason we did this was because the sound of the water running on the actual video clips sounded weird, and because the sound isn't as loud and it kind of echoed, and  on the clip you can hear some talking in the background. Due to us recording just the audio clip, however, we were able to place the clip in all of the areas we needed without worrying about if the volume of two different clips matching up and what not.

The sound I am most proud of is the transition sound. The ripping sheet of paper was so simple, and the sound turned out to have great quality and sounded super cool. We put it at the beginning of every transition in the opening, and it just adds that extra startling nature to the sequence.

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