Friday, January 26, 2018

Murder, We Wrote

Okay, so the biggest question is what type of murder will be occurring. As of right now, we do not have an agreement as to what type of murder that will take place-- all we know is that someone is going to be murdered in their bathroom, and more than likely it will be at night. Murders in the dark, at night, are scarier, and could be seen as an additive playing off of the fear of the dark.

One possibility is the typical knife murder. This option is super bloody, and super dramatic. It can allow for a slightly drawn out and dramatic sequence of events. The possibilities of this option are endless. The character could be stabbed in the shower, or while brushing their teeth, or anything else. With this option, though, we would have to decide on the finer things like what type of knife to use. The scary butcher knife? Or a sleeker knife? Possibly a machete? All of these options would lead to a different outcome-- meaning, each one would have a unique set of stabs and such, which also would effect the suspense.

Another possibility would be a murder by a gunshot. This type of murder would be sudden, and to build suspense we would have to focus more long shots on the content leading up to the murder, not on the actual murder. The quickness of this could be beneficial to our time limit, but it is a lot less suspenseful overall. And, it would be a bit harder to obtain a gun than a knife as a prop. But, if we were to use this option we would also have to determine if a shotgun or a handgun would be utilized, similar to picking knives in the theoretical knife murder.

The final option that we discussed is a murder via a toaster in a tub. This option is a bit more sinister, but could tie into the slight humor we originally found in creating this film— it would really intrigue people due to its originality, because I cannot think of any films off of the top of my head that involve a toaster murder in a tub. Using this option may be a bit hard to shoot, but if we chose it and really worked on the creativity of the shots, then I really think that we could make it very good. The creativity of the shots would also contribute to the overall creativity of this choice. And, I think that in marketing it would draw more people in, theoretically.

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