Friday, February 9, 2018

Post-Group Meeting, and Post-Murder

OKAY SO, stepping away from all of the research, we (the group) met up to actually go kind of into depth for the synopsis of our film. We have all done our own individual research, so using that we were able to discuss what we think we should overall do. We decided that our sequence is going to follow the aftermath of a murder, and possibly the actual murder itself. The murder will be knife/stabbing murder, and the rest of the movie will deal with the characters investigating the murder. The thing we are still figuring out is whose bathroom we are going to use in order to stage the intro. We want one that doesn’t have many windows, and that is still big enough that we can all fit in there to film what we want. So, we have all agreed to take pictures of our bathrooms so that we can choose the one that we collectively think will be the best. One aspect we are still debating/deciding is if our murderer will be human, or some supernatural, demonic thing. The supernatural “thing” would probably be harder to stage and/or convey through the short period of time, but it would add to the orinigality and the creative part of our film. The murderer being human would be easier, but it may be too popular to actually entice people’s attention, unless we pulled it off really well and marketed it amazingly.

The quickest summary possible is that there is going to be a girl who is killed in the bathroom, and the roommate later comes in trying to find the roommate (who is dead). We are figuring out if we are going to have the roommate open the curtain then have the camera pan down to the body in the tub, or if the camera will show nothing and the dead person comes alive and basically stabs the roommate. There are still lots of theoreticals to work with, but we have the basic idea of what is going to occur.

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