Monday, February 12, 2018

Some of the Finer Details

So after some deliberation, we have decided to ditch the supernatural idea and stick with a serial killer. We are leaning more towards the killer murdering the 1st character, then hiding/coming back and killing the roommate. This movie is in the same horror category as the “Scream” movies, but more enticing. We also decided that we will be filming in Nat’s bathroom. It’s a bit on the smaller side, but the shower is easily accessible which means that it will be easier to film the footage we need. Her house is also fairly secluded, which will be helpful if we end up incorporating any establishing shots. I was nominated as the character who “dies”— aka the character who starts the serial string of murders. The costuming for this is basically going to consist of shorts and a strapless bathing suit top, utilizing shots from the shoulders up (medium close up and close up shots). This is to give off the illusion that I am actually showering, when I’m really just standing in a shower in clothing, getting soaked. I think we are also going to try to shoot at night or in the morning, that way we don’t have the bright sun from the middle of the day impeding on our spooky effects.

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